Not a Newsletter: Jun14 Edition

4 mins read

Did you notice the blog has been a little silent these days? No, I am not abandoning it; quite the opposite, actually. I am building a solid foundation for it. I don’t want it only to be something I created out of 9-5 job frustration. Again, maybe you won’t notice it immediately, but I am hoping one day, it will speak for itself.

I put my paper down at work, finally, after contemplating it for months! It was a significant move, partly because I knew I would be moving back to Jakarta, and I was uncertain about where I wanted to work next.

I visited one of the places I had planned to see this year – Angkor Wat. It was as magical as I had imagined. I could sense the presence of another part of the world. In addition, I tried “happy” pizza to get high for the first time in my life. Unfortunately, nothing happened. What I could have done without was the intense heat. It was scorching, and I returned home two shades darker.

Also, I got a short haircut. Like short shorts. The last time I did it was seven years ago, and it feels GREAT to have (and maintain) short hair! It had nothing to do with the phantom heat from Angkor Wat; it was one of the items on my to-do list before turning 30 – to cut my hair short, à la Anne Hathaway. So, I did cut my hair. And no, I didn’t look like Anne Hathaway; maybe if I wore Lancome.

This month: I wrote about Autumn in Amsterdam. It was GORGEOUS. I was interviewed by Z of Straight Up Z last month. Also, unfortunately, I didn’t get high after eating the Happy Pizza in Cambodia.

I am willing to exchange ALL of my current watches for this fuelband-inspired i-Watch 🌸 Photographs tell stories, we all know that, but pictures of photographs, well, it’s another level altogether 🌸 Ashley wrote about choosing a minimalist lifestyle: “…I don’t want to spend my life jumping from distraction to distraction. I don’t want to wake up and wonder what happened to my life…” 🌸 Tammy goes small and thinks big and happy while living in a teeny tiny house. That gives me a shift of perspective 🌸 Six easy steps to build a chic minimalist wardrobe. The second step is my favourite 🌸 And I discussed minimalism with Xandra over here on the blog 🌸 10 core principles to clear the clutter 🌸

Time Machine

Read more about last year’s happenings.

And that’s it! The milestones of the first half of 2014. How about you? What did you do this year? What are you happy about? What are you proud of?

Thank You, Next!

Next month, I am going to participate in a minimalism game. I’m a little flustered and a lotta are excited about #minsgame. Also, Jik and I are going to Hong Kong.

Keep Kultured!   KK.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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Cambodia Not So Happy Pizza

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