Kulture Kween

Not a Newsletter: Aug15 Edition

2 mins read

I have been MIA for almost a month because work has been hectic, and on top of that, I had to take the IELTS exam. IELTS is an international test a non-native speaker has to take to prove to the official boards that they are capable to understand English by answering 80 questions in 100 minutes, writing two essays in 60 minutes, and talk about a random topic chosen by the examiner for 3 minutes, without doing err… nor umm… Because it will decrease the score.

For someone who can’t express herself verbally in her mother tongue and prefers to keep it under two syllabus conversations in most social situations, I felt like taking two shots of tequila to calm down before the interview. Still, I was afraid I would throw up and get disqualified. For what it’s worth, I think I did well without any alcohol involved.

Another reason for being absent was Bromo, from which I had just returned. Unfortunately, the sunrise wasn’t as magical as the ones posted by my friends on Facebook. Also, I was covered by ashes from dry horse shit for almost a day. So no, I don’t feel like talking about Bromo just yet, but I will write a post about it sometime in the future.

I celebrated the 3rd Blogiversary by purging my Bloglovin’ list by unfollowing some as they all read the same for me. With the bit of free time I have, I just can’t. I also deleted Facebook from my phone and have been feeling better and lighter ever since.

Time Machine

Read more about last year’s happenings.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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