Gulab Jamun The Sweet Culture Delights of India

Do you know that you can find some kind of fried dough type of local delight in every corner of the world? One of the Indian versions of it is called Gulab Jamun. It has been a key part of Indian culture. They are put on the altar of the Gods during prayers and…

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I Am Starting To Embrace My South Indian Heritage

Growing up in Indonesia with Indian heritage is not that common and sometimes it can be hard to navigate around the mixed culture and traditions on a daily basis. Being an Indian Outside of India It was even harder when I was much younger when globalization wasn’t a thing yet. Being different was not cool,…

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We Eat with Hand in This Part of The World

"Yeah, we eat with hand", I shrugged, finally answering my friend's question: "it's pretty normal for us. It's a part of our culture".It's pretty normal for us to eat with hand, it's a part of our culture, it's as normal as you eating with a spoon.…

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Eat Sleep Chai Repeat

Originating from India, Chai is a flavoured tea beverage made by brewing black tea with a mixture of aromatic Indian spices and herbs. Unlike my cousins, who have been Chai lovers for a while, my appreciation for it started to blossom only after I moved to Melbourne. Only after I experienced a full-on winter…

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