Qantas Australia

Chicken or Pork What Finishes First in Qantas Flight QF157?

2 mins read

It’s two days into December, but it feels like it has been two weeks already (and I am ready for my year-end break).

Yesterday, I got a professional reading regarding the two job offers I couldn’t decide on, only to turn them down in the evening. Instead, here I am, typing this note on my phone with Bodies Bodies Bodies on pause in the tiny screen of Qantas Flight QF157, floating in the air on top of the Tasman Sea – which I have mistakenly referred to as the “Tasmanian Sea” more than once. I am flying to Auckland for a week’s worth of work trip. I have been to Auckland before. Once, when I still lived in Singapore. I remember it being a windy, cold, but pretty boring city to visit as a tourist—kind of like Melbourne.

The pilot just gave the announcement for the meal. The option is either a hot meal of Pork Sausage with onion relish and tomato puree or Chicken Salad. He then apologised if the meal of our choice is no longer available by the time the food cart reached us.

Man, why is this Qantas flight worse than the interstate flights??

Alas, the food smell fills the air, and I know it got nothing to do with the sad and cold Chicken Salad. My stomach is rumbling. I’d regret not packing emergency snacks if only Chicken Salad were left when the cart reached my seat.

To be honest, even the Pork Sausage sounded bland. Geez, now I regret not packing Bon Cabe (Indonesian chilli flakes) into my carry-on. But whatever it’s, I must eat because it will be past midnight when I reach New Zealand, and I don’t plan to roam around Auckland after-hour to find supper. Here is hoping there are a number of health-conscious salad-eating people on this Qantas flight.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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