Not a Newsletter: Nov15 Edition

3 mins read

It has been an eventful month; birthdays, beach trips, and fish and flu were going around the office, but the best part was getting my mojo back.

I had been feeling, how shall I put it, not 100% of myself. Or not my happy self for months. There were valid and silly reasons for it, which I am not going to dive deep into; the point is I woke up on a gloomy Sunday feeling superb!

Mojo-is-back, people, and I hope it stays.

Though I have mentioned it before, let me announce it again: the blog has a new design! I am so happy about it because, in a way, it truly represents me. Have you seen it? If not, please hop over and let me know your thoughts.

Che once advised me to get new undies whenever I feel stressed out. It has helped her navigate through life’s difficulties, she said. So one fine day, I went to La Senza (also based on her recommendation) and got a new pair. Unfortunately, my stress level didn’t decrease. That’s when I realized bra for her = PJs for me. I guess it’s a symbolic promise to myself that a much better and more relaxed time is coming soon. What’s your under pressure buy?

I also have a new bed. It’s an old bed, but it’s new for me. It started when Amma put the bed in the purple room while I lived abroad. When I visited home, I immediately moved it into the storage room because I thought I couldn’t sleep on it as I was used to sleeping on the floor mattress. Fast forward eight years, I moved back to the purple room and struggled to share the single bed with my MacBook for the longest time. I finally gave in and put the bed back in. Okay, this story gets more and more tedious as I write it. My point is a new big bed. Life has become exponentially better every day from 12 AM to 7 AM. If only I had obeyed Amma 8 years ago.

Cold Fusion has been my new preferred flavour drink (in Djournal), but only for a short period because Toffee Nut Latte came back a week ago and has been in red cups every day since.

Well, that’s a lot of random thoughts for a month. But now that we are entering December, I am starting to feel festive.

Follow me on Instagram @KultureKween for more recent updates.

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